Sabado, Enero 9, 2016

X-Wing: Spring 2016 Tournament Prep

Traitor!  Not playing Imperials in a tournament?

Now that tournament season is right around the corner, what are you guys doing to prep for your lists?  Are you planning to play different lists at each event or do you plan on taking the same list to each one?  In most of my tournament play, I like taking the same list to all the events with very minor changes.  The reason for this is because I like to gather data by exposing my list to as many competitive lists as possible.  I already do a good amount of playtesting by playing on Vassal and in my weekly game nights, but playing against a larger variety of opponents in real life is always welcome.

For this Spring, I think I'm going to deviate from my regular Imperial play to something more outlandish.  I'm not entirely sure which one I'm going to take to my first event, but it's either going to be my T-70 Poe list, Brobots or Broba Fett.  The super tough part here is that there's always a couple of components that I'm unsure of so I definitely need some help before deciding.

T-70 POE

Poe Dameron — T-70 X-Wing 31
Veteran Instincts 1
R2-D2 4
Autothrusters 2
Ship Total: 38
Blue Squadron Novice — T-70 X-Wing 24
R2 Astromech 1
Integrated Astromech 0
Ship Total: 25
Blue Squadron Novice — T-70 X-Wing 24
R2 Astromech 1
Integrated Astromech 0
Ship Total: 25
Bandit Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 12
Ship Total: 12

Difficult Choices:
  • Should I take BB-8 over R2-D2?  BB-8 allows for more flexible movement opportunities while R2-D2 gives me more sustain at the expense of predictable movement.  The extra 2 points can also buy AT one one of the Blues.
  • Should I go with double R2/Integrated (R2 is staying, I love the greens) or should I go with BB-8 on Poe and double ATs on the Blues but no Astromechs?  We're looking at long-term sustain with possibly multiple hull saved vs. reactive sustain offered by the Integrated Astromech that you can control more readily.


IG-88B — Aggressor 36
Veteran Instincts 1
Advanced Sensors 3
Heavy Laser Cannon 7
Inertial Dampeners 1
Autothrusters 2
Ship Total: 50
Boba Fett (Scum) — Firespray-31 39
Veteran Instincts 1
Ion Bombs 2
Tactician 2
Inertial Dampeners 1
Engine Upgrade 4
Ship Total: 49

Difficult Choices:
  • Flechette cannon or Ion Bombs?  Flechette Cannon gives me the ability to double-stress Poe, while Ion Bombs allows me to control movement better for IG-88 who likes to play at longer ranges after the initial exchange.
  • VI, Predator or PTL on the IG-88?  Predator gives me more damage consistency on all of my psuedo-gunner attacks, but VI allows me to outrun other Brobots and Dash Rendar.  PTL gives me the ability to Focus/Evade and clear with a green on the joust.  If I go with Predator or PTL, I will lose out on the Ion Bombs option entirely.


IG-88B — Aggressor 36
Veteran Instincts 1
Advanced Sensors 3
Heavy Laser Cannon 7
Inertial Dampeners 1
Autothrusters 2
Ship Total: 50
IG-88D — Aggressor 36
Veteran Instincts 1
Advanced Sensors 3
Heavy Laser Cannon 7
Inertial Dampeners 1
Autothrusters 2
Ship Total: 50

Difficult Choices:
  • IG-88B and D or the tried and true B and C?  Right now, I think D is the more effective option because I'm running Advanced Sensors.  That is not going to change and so I think D will give me greater control of the movement phase and allow me to enter combat scenarios that are rarely seen.  The breakneck S-Loop on a 3-hard is probably one of the best things ever.
  • Advanced Sensors for greater reliability vs. blockers or the insane damage boost offered by FCS?  I feel that both of these options have great merits, but Advanced Sensors gives me options.  I like my options so I think I'm set on sensors until someone convinces me otherwise.

I'll probably make a post detailing each individual component of the lists here and explain the gameplan, meta-impact and strategies going forward, but I just wanted to showcase the lists so we can jumpstart the discussion.  Let me know what you guys think!

Don't worry Armada fans, I got another article coming up to talk about the 2016 Spring season.

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